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Recommended Attorneys in Carlisle

Will's & Estates, Real Estate, Personal Injury, General Practice, DUI, Divorce & Custody, Criminal Law, Civil Litigation, Business Law

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DUI, Burglary, Support, Divorce, Custody, Adoption, State & Federal, Homicide, Theft, Sex Offenses, Pardons, Assault, Family Law, Drug Offenses, Criminal Defense, Felony, Bankruptcy, Alimony, Misdemeanor, Expungements

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Wolf & Wolf is a general practice law firm providing legal assistance to residents of Carlisle, PA. While we are general practice attorneys, we concentrate on criminal law, including juvenile defense, family law, estates, wills and trusts, real estate and zoning law, Our mission is to provide our clients with effective, experienced advice concerning their legal needs. Please contact us with your questions or to inquire about our services. We will gladly communicate with you to see if our attorneys can help you with your legal matters.
Attorneys, Criminal Attorneys, Divorce and Family Attorneys, Legal Services, Legal Services Plans, Real Estate Attorneys

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